Pickled Strawberry Ice Cream Sauce
This sweet-tart strawberry sauce has just a little bite at the end, making it the perfect partner for ice cream, whipped cream, and creamy cheeses.
  • 1 lb strawberries, cored
  • ½ cup red wine vinegar
  • ¼ honey + 1 tablespoon
  • 6 peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. Heat vinegar, ¼ cup honey, peppercorns, and vanilla on stove, stirring until honey is dissolved. Let cool to room temperature.
  2. Slice larger berries in halves or quarters and leave smaller berries whole.
  3. Pour vinegar mixture over berries. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  4. Strain strawberries and reserve vinegar mixture.
  5. Heat strawberries, ¼ cup vinegar mixture*, and 1 tablespoon honey in small pot over low heat for 10-20 minutes or until you are happy with the consistency.
*If you prefer a sweeter sauce, you may want to substitute ¼ water for the vinegar mixture when heating the sauce.
Recipe by Winston & Main at https://winstonandmain.com/pickled-strawberry-ice-cream-sauce/