The Chicks are One Month!

You remember Ruth Bader Chicksburg, right?

And then our runt, Dolly Bird.

Our giant crossingfingerspleasenotarooster Audre.

Our punk rocker, name TBD

And our ginger, name TBD

As far as names go, we’re still throwing around Annie Yolkly, Tilda Swinthen, Hillary Clinthen, and Simone de Oeuffvoir…Thoughts?

At one month: We’re totally shocked at how fast chickens grow! We (only half) joke that they are larger each morning then they were the previous night. They’re now flying giants, whose cheerful cheeping turns more squawky and insistent by the day, especially when they feel like free-ranging in our future study. Which is always. And hilarious. And I’ve never enjoyed watching creatures peck my newly refinished floors more.

The girls adore meal worms, and eagerly come when called if you have said worms in hand. Shamefully, for LA chickens, they are TERRIFIED of kale (a treat I read they would love) and all scurried to the opposite end of their brooder shrieking at its introduction. I tried smaller pieces and hand-feeding too, but they weren’t having it. Super-food be damned. And they ARE still a tad afraid of the dark, seriously dare I say, they’re really big chickens about it! If I forget to turn the light off before it gets dark, so that the room can darken gradually, then they squawk to holy hell when I flip that light. And I’m such a pushover, that I usually turn it back on for them…

That’s the kind of chicken mama I am.

So it’s back to coop building for me,
I’ve gotta get these teenagers out of my house soon.


Can you believe they were ever (only one short month ago) this small!

Halloween Shenanigans

We were both sick the week leading up to Halloween, so our celebrations were decidedly more subdued than years past. Still, I was pretty pleased with our last minute decorations…
I played with flowers. And this cool skeleton hand I knew I wanted to hold flowers the second I saw it. Bonus, I scored it for 70% off at Moskatels.
NBD, just putting some roses in the oven, like you do.
Our house smells like dead flowers now.
Cue The Rolling Stones.
The MOST last minute costume I have ever “made.” Rosie had her polka dots, Tallulah and I have our flowers. And our HRC socks.
Meanwhile, these guys are working on the scary soundtrack.
We may have missed Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch, but we arrived in time to score loads of pumpkins for next to nothing.
And of course my pumpkin this year was a chicken.
Other highlights included Indian delivery, adorable trick-or-treaters, and wine.

Did you dress up? Go out? Pass out candy? Just pass out?