Getting Things Done



Takes coffee.
And bravery.

I feel silly now, but I was pretty scared to do my first flower pop-up shop this past weekend.

What if no one bought my flowers?

I felt embarrassed just thinking about packing them all back up and heading home with an empty pocket and a car full of flowers. Ha! Now I just feel embarrassed admitting that.

But seriously, it was awesome.
People bought flowers. People stopped by and chatted.
Melissa took beautiful family photos. I ran out of flowers.
It was all good.

Go do that thing you’re scared of.
It’ll be great.

10 thoughts on “Getting Things Done

  1. Congrats!
    That is actually exactly the message I needed to hear today – here’s to doing scary things!

    1. Yahoo! I’m glad to hear it. Now coffee up and get out there girl! xo

  2. A local person asked me to do a trunk show for my embroidery and I’ve been avoiding making plans because of the same fear. What if no one comes and I’m just twiddling my thumbs, straightening napkins and tea towels for hours? What is people don’t like my work? What if they balk at the prices? So much doubt.

    I’m so glad it went well!

    1. YES those were all my fears too Jeannine. You should totally do it because a. I bet it will go great, and b. the anticipation of the worstpossibleoutcome is way worse than the actual worst possible outcome, aka you wasted a few hours you could have been wasting elsewhere. 😉 Do it! Do it! Do it! YAY!

  3. I LOVE your website design – so happy! Your flower pop up looks adorable and thank you for reminding us to get out of our comfort zone. 🙂

  4. I needed this today. Sometimes we’re our own worst critics (OK, all the time). I can’t even believe you thought nobody would buy your flowers. They’re beautiful!

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