Homemade Pantry: Almond Milk


Good Morning from Tokyo!
Or more accurately, from Hikari 509, a shinkansen (awesome fast train)
somewhere between Tokyo and Kyoto.

I must admit I had grand plans to write so many blog posts on the 13 hour flight here, but no sooner did I hit the airport (or the airport bar) OR spend 2+ hours sitting on the tarmac being gently lulled to sleep by jet fumes did all those grandiose plans go right out the window.

So we’re going to keep it short and sweet (well as sweet as you like your almond milk) this morning, and get right to a simple and delicious way to make your own nut milks at home. It’s cheaper and tastier than the store bought stuff, takes only a few minutes to make, and requires only two ingredients! Although I usually toss in a few dates, a little vanilla and a pinch of salt as well.


Almond Milk
Creamy & delicious, you can make this almond milk with as few as two ingredients!
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 3-4 cups filtered water
  • additional water for soaking
  • 3 dates optional
  • 1” vanilla bean scraped or 1 teaspoon vanilla optional
  • pinch of salt
  1. Soak almonds in a bowl just covered with filtered water for 12-24 hours.
  2. Rinse almonds then toss in blender with 3-4 cups water and dates if desired.
  3. Blend 1 minute on low, then 2 minutes on high speed.
  4. Pour mixture into a nut milk bag and strain out almond pulp OR pour through strainer/cheese cloth until no solids remain.
  5. Rinse out blender then pour newly strained milk back into blender, add salt, and if desired, vanilla, and blend.
For extra thick/creamy almond milk, soak the almonds for closer to 24 hours and use only 3 cups water when blending. In a "hurry" though, almonds that have soaked overnight will do just fine!
Store your almond milk in a mason jar or other sealed container in your refrigerator for about 5 days.

ps. Check out the view from my window:


pps. Come follow my adventures in Japan on instagram!
ppps. Do you frequently fly for work? How do you get anything done on the plane?
I only seem to be good at reading books and drinking beer!

2 thoughts on “Homemade Pantry: Almond Milk

  1. I just had to mention that Oscar is obsessed with the Shinkansen in one of his train books. Loving all your adventures – as usual!

  2. So cute! I just *might have brought him back a shinkansen related gift….

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