Creative Update 1: Modern Geometry


I am on the brink of a new (big, huge, terrifying, moreinfocomingsoon) creative/work decision, and so while my head is swimming with ideas and projects and goals and all these other not-quite-ready to actualize plans, I’ve decided I need a tangible and immediate creative outlet.

So, I am going to execute one personal creative project per week from start to finish, and share the results here- process, progress, pictures. Whatever. Just so long as it gets done.

I started a few weeks ago (and I started small).

But since then it’s been a whirlwind of creative activity here at the corner of Winston and Main.
And it feels good. Really good. The more creative projects I actually execute from start to finish (as opposed to the lists and piles of unfinished projects that tend to infiltrate and stagnate my creative life), the more creative and motivated I feel to make more.

And the closer my weekly projects are coming to aligning with all those not-quite-ready to actualize plans I mentioned up there. Funny how that works, huh?


These table numbers are part of my DIY column over on Broke-Ass Bride and I have to say I’m pretty pleased with them. They’re bright, fun, and free-standing, and would add a perfect pop of color to any modern table.

They were the perfect petite jumping off point, and I’m positively thrilled with my continuing geometric endeavors. In fact, I’ve turned into a total math nerd over here and am churning out more geometric art/decor than I know what to do with….



Apparently bright paint + unfinished wood makes me happy.
And that little piñata.
Could that thing be any more adorable?
And have you also found creativity to be cumulative?

8 thoughts on “Creative Update 1: Modern Geometry

    1. Funny you should mention that Bailie… I am currently trying my hand at a ring pillow! 🙂

  1. Your geometric signs are so bright and colorful- I love them! Especially the heart and initials 🙂

  2. I’ve been following some of your progress on FB with these geometric patterns and I just LOVE how amazing everything has come out so far!! I’m putting a wedding theme/elements together in my head already. 😉

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