Miso-Honey Black Cod


aka Nobu’s Miso Black Cod.
aka candy fish.
aka the best thing to serve to guests (so easy/feels fancy).

Of course I should mention that I’ve never had the black cod at Nobu, don’t have the Nobu Cookbook, and don’t use any sugar in most of my food…

…so, this is my own take on a classic Japanese recipe, and humble as I am, I don’t mind saying that it’s fucking delicious. Yep, it merits the f-bomb. It’s that good.

I can only imagine fantasize how amazing the Miso Black Cod at Nobu must be…


But back to my (humble) kitchen. The miso-honey marinade is magic- it soaks into the fish AND caramelizes on the surface, making every buttery bite a sweet/salty treat for your oh-so-refined tongue.

This fish makes you feel fancy folks. Just go with it.


The only thing I would change next time is MORE fish. Because as you can see from the pictures, I had quite the petite filet of black cod. Trust me when I tell you, that forkful of fish is not for effect- I’m just pleased I could steady my hand and pause for a moment on the way to my mouth.

Oops. I just ate my model.
And that concludes our photo shoot.

Miso-Honey Black Cod
This simple recipe is equally perfect for week night dinners and fancy dinner parties. Just remember that the fish needs a few days to marinate!
  • ¼ cup sake
  • ¼ mirin
  • 3 tablespoons miso
  • 1.5 tablespoons honey
  • 2-4 black cod filets
  1. Bring the sake and mirin to a boil on the stovetop for 30 seconds.
  2. Reduce heat and add miso and honey, stirring until combined.
  3. Remove mixture from heat, pour into a baking dish, and let come to room temperature.
  4. Place fish skin-side up in marinade, cover, and refrigerate 2-3 days.
  5. Broil Fish on each side for 3-4 minutes, then finish in oven for 7-10 minutes at 400 degrees.


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