Welcome to Winston & Main!



Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Preach it, RWE.
Because even though this party design business has been bouncing around in my head for years, and even though I’ve dabbled quite seriously- designing weddings, and parties, and photo shoots since 2010 (gulp), all while maintaining my more than full-time job in the film industry, I didn’t actually decide until last year.

For almost 4 years I was too scared. Scared of being unsuccessful. Scared of being broke.
Scared of doing something frivolous. Scared of walking away from a “glamorous” career I’d invested over a decade in already.

Cue a few cliche lifeistooshort situations, and BOOM.
I was sick of being scared.

And so I decided.
One email and one project and one collaboration at a time.

And BOOM suddenly all the magic confetti in the universe started blowing my direction, dropping requests for wild wedding flowers, and styling, and DIY post writing right on my doorstep. Deciding is powerful magic people.



So hello there, and welcome to the brand spanking new, shiny, sparkly, and spectacular Winston & Main- your one stop shop for amazing party design, awesome styling, and fantastic flowers by yours truly, right here in Downtown Los Angeles! And beyond.
Because you guys know I love me some travel.

I’m really excited to share all my new business adventures with you here on this blog. Plus recipes and DIYS and my favorite DTLA haunts (and nibbles) too.

So thank you for stopping by and thank you for all your nice comments and words of encouragement yesterday when I launched my new site/biz from a giant field of flowers.

And while we’re on the subject of thank you, I owe a few big ones:

*To the best and most supportive partner in crime a lady can have- Gavin, thank you for building such an awesome life with me that supports big scary decisions and also super fun adventures. See also: bagpipes. haggis. you’re real cute.
*Braid Creative. These ladies are genius. All this pretty branding? Check. Tons of amazing business direction, wisdom, and humor? Check. Big big (virtual) hugs and thank yous!
Site + adorable illustrations by Star St. Germain.
*One email at a time? The first one went to my pal Dana, asking if I could do a few DIYs for Broke-Ass Bride. Thank you for letting me dip my toes in the DIY pool again mama!
*Big thanks to my pals at A Practical Wedding for all the rad DIY opportunities of the last few months. I’m so honored that your magic confetti blew my direction, and so grateful for the fantastic and inspiring community of like-minded folks you’ve created over there!
*To the always amazing Kirsten Ellis for the fantastic photographs and balloon wrangling that went into the new site.

Let’s Party!

4 thoughts on “Welcome to Winston & Main!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Bailie! I’m super excited to be back! 🙂

  1. Hi Lady : Congrats and well done …..You are talented and brave and deserve all the best the universe sends you….. big big hugs and kisses from aways….. and I have dibs on being your first Australian client !!!!!

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